Tag: Pricing Strategies

The new normal – being more flexible as an MSP
How do you deal with customers who need variable resources? The ones who, for part of the day, or on a cyclic basis of once per week, month, or quarter, show a spike in usage of CPU, network, or storage...

Ask an MSP Expert: What are some different pricing strategies to consider?
Q: There seems to be a lot of different opinions on how we should price our offering. How can we determine what the right pricing strategy is for our MSP business? Setting a pricing strategy is a critical process for...

MSPs need to find a way to embrace consumption model based on metering
The most profound impact the transition to cloud computing has arguably had is the shift away from treating IT as a capital expense. IT organizations are increasingly utilizing infrastructure thanks to a consumption model that allows them to treat IT...

Clive Longbottom: When selling MSP services is like selling a house
I’ll start with a bold statement: being an MSP salesperson is like being a real estate agent. Hold on – don’t stop reading: there is a reason for such a statement. Any real estate agent will tell you what a...

Robin Robins: Let’s Talk About Price $$$$$
I’m about to make somebody (you?) a lot of money because I’m about to give you an idea for raising your fees that will allow you to prove to yourself you’re leaving a LOT of money on the table. First,...