Results for: Ask an MSP Expert

Difficult cloud migration experiences create demand for MSPs

Difficult cloud migration experiences create demand for MSPs

A survey of 1000 IT decision makers suggests there is a much greater appreciation of just how challenging it is to manage a successful cloud migration of application workloads. Published by Next Pathway, a provider of a platform for automating...

/ July 29, 2021 / 1 Comment
Organizations need MSPs to become cloud security heroes

Organizations need MSPs to become cloud security heroes

When not done right, cloud security can become a bit of a mess. Misconfigurations of cloud services are more widespread than ever at a time when cybercriminals have tools that enable them to discover vulnerabilities in a matter of minutes....

/ June 24, 2021
7 questions MSPs need to answer for prospective clients

7 questions MSPs need to answer for prospective clients

If your client’s business made it through the pandemic, chances are that their technological capacities have been tested to the maximum. Scaling a business cost-effectively is a challenging proposition at any time, but the era of remote work and anywhere...

/ June 22, 2021
Getting uncomfortable to succeed with MSP marketing

Getting uncomfortable to succeed with MSP marketing

MSP marketing isn’t a shot in the dark. It’s not a guess or a gut feeling. Successful client acquisition methods are all about discipline, consistency, and coping with ambiguity. I recognize that most business owners are in business to deliver...

/ June 8, 2021
MSPs must continue digital business transformation dialogue

MSPs must continue digital business transformation dialogue

One of the most subtle and profound changes that has occurred since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic is the types of IT projects managed service providers (MSPs) have been engaged in by their end customers, specifically digital business transformation...

/ June 2, 2021
Selling yourself as a one-man MSP

Selling yourself as a one-man MSP

If your MSP business is a one-man shop, there are a variety of challenges you face that larger MSPs don’t have to overcome. For example, you probably run into some different objections when pitching yourself and your services to prospects,...

/ May 25, 2021 / 3 Comments
MSPs gain digital business transformation ground

MSPs gain digital business transformation ground

A global annual survey of 1,350 business and IT executives conducted by Jigsaw Research on behalf of NTT Ltd. suggests that as organization invest more in software to drive digital business transformation initiatives, there has been a corresponding rise in...

/ April 14, 2021
Use 2021 to build more credibility for your MSP

Use 2021 to build more credibility for your MSP

Between the time I took my first IT services marketing job in 1997, all the way up until the end (thankfully) of 2020, one of the biggest mistakes I’ve seen IT providers make with their marketing, is putting too much...

/ February 9, 2021
AWS Channel Chief sees evolving relationships with MSPs

AWS Channel Chief sees evolving relationships with MSPs

If a three week online AWS re:Invent conference leaves managed service provider (MSPs) with any impression at all, it’s that the relationship with the world’s largest provider of cloud services is continually evolving. In the last week and half alone,...

/ December 9, 2020
Cybersecurity laws: What MSPs need to do

Cybersecurity laws: What MSPs need to do

Cybersecurity isn’t just about firewalls and patching. Cybersecurity is also about education and legislation — often, these two go hand in hand. The legislative landscape is continuously evolving as more rules and regulations attempt to add guardrails and protections to...

/ November 26, 2020