Results for: Ask an MSP Expert

A low-tech standby for cybersecurity

A low-tech standby for cybersecurity

With all the cybersecurity tools in the arsenal of the average MSP, there’s one that often gets understandably overlooked: paper and marker. Yes, patching, anti-virus protection, double authentication, and firewalls are the most crucial elements of your cybersecurity regime, but...

/ August 21, 2019
Finding motivation to do more for the channel

Finding motivation to do more for the channel

CompTIA, a non-profit trade association that issues professional certifications for the IT industry, recently named Lauren Beliveau, senior content marketing specialist at Barracuda MSP, as one of their 2019 ChannelChangers. ChannelChangers are technology professionals who serve as up-and-coming leaders with...

/ August 5, 2019
Number of data protection officers increases dramatically in wake of GDPR

Number of data protection officers increases dramatically in wake of GDPR

It seems that a chief data protection officer is not only an official job responsibility, it’s a necessity. It’s estimated there are now more than half a million data protection officers in Europe alone, one year after the General Data...

/ July 4, 2019
Cryptojacking is making a comeback

Cryptojacking is making a comeback

Black Squid has washed up on the cyber-shores of the United States, after first being spotted in Thailand. Unlike its oceanic counterparts, this cyber squid is destructive. Beincrypto describes the threat like this: It uses tactics such as anti-virtualization, anti-debugging,...

/ June 12, 2019
Steganography makes a comeback

Steganography makes a comeback

Steganography was malware before there was malware. In fact, the term dates back thousands of years and has only recently been used in cyber-circles. The word’s root is derived from the Greek word steganos, which means “covered” or “concealed.” Pre-technological generals used...

/ June 5, 2019
Increased complexity pushes internal IT teams closer to the breaking point

Increased complexity pushes internal IT teams closer to the breaking point

The decision to rely on a managed service provider (MSP) often comes down to the IT skills, or lack thereof, any organization has at hand. The more complex the IT environment, the thinner the level of expertise that can be...

/ May 30, 2019
Building a defense from social engineering attacks

Building a defense from social engineering attacks

Last week Smarter MSP examined the security threat that social engineering poses to organizations  of all sizes. Social engineering is a technique that hackers use to gain access to  an organization’s network, without having to break down the metaphorical door....

/ May 29, 2019
Social engineering: a hacker’s most effective weapon

Social engineering: a hacker’s most effective weapon

What is the weakest link in your client’s network? It’s not unpatched software (although you should patch) or the unimaginative passwords (although you should change it). The weakest links are humans themselves. It’s Joan in accounting or Stan in human...

/ May 22, 2019 / 1 Comment
The best defense against ransomware

The best defense against ransomware

Ransomware has been striking businesses of all sizes, including municipalities, impacting their infrastructures. In the past three months, cybercriminals have successfully attacked six major cities. In each case, the attack brought great inconvenience to the victims. The city of Baltimore...

/ May 21, 2019
Worldwide popularity of GDPR on the rise

Worldwide popularity of GDPR on the rise

The first anniversary of a move by the European Union to impose a General Data Protection Rule (GDPR) arrives at the end of this week. GDPR was enacted to protect the digital rights of anyone doing business with a company...

/ May 21, 2019