Results for: Ask an MSP Expert

GDPR compliant
GDPR: Surely everyone has dealt with it by now … right?

GDPR: Surely everyone has dealt with it by now … right?

The European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation is a regulation in EU law stipulating how organisations must deal with data to ensure that individuals are protected, and that individuals can more easily determine what data an organisation holds about them. It became...

/ July 11, 2018
managed services model
Richard Tubb: Why should you move to the managed services model?

Richard Tubb: Why should you move to the managed services model?

When I started running my own IT business, I was your typical one-man-band. A techie crawling under tables, fixing computers, and setting up servers. I was good at what I did, I was professional, and word soon spread. Before long,...

/ June 28, 2018 / 11 Comments
Salesforce Marketing Cloud enhancements are all about improving customer experience

Salesforce Marketing Cloud enhancements are all about improving customer experience

Salesforce Connections might not be as big as Dreamforce, but it’s meant to give the Salesforce Marketing Cloud its own special time in the sun. The conference took place in Chicago this week and in many ways felt like Adobe...

/ June 14, 2018
polymorphic malware
Threat Spotlight: Advanced polymorphic malware

Threat Spotlight: Advanced polymorphic malware

Imagine having a key that changes shape to fit any lock you might encounter. That’s pretty much what malware creators have at their disposal with advanced polymorphic malware, and it’s a real headache for MSPs tasked with stopping it or,...

/ June 13, 2018 / 2 Comments
5 Tips for working with the press

5 Tips for working with the press

Before the Internet, blogging, and social media, businesses relied heavily on advertising and public relations to build brand awareness. The joke among marketing leaders to clients was, “You either pray for space or pay for space—or both.” Fast forward from...

/ June 11, 2018
Hollerith tabulator
Tech Time Warp: The First Ethical Hacker

Tech Time Warp: The First Ethical Hacker

These days, the concept of an ethical hacker is so commonplace the profession has its own Certified Ethical Hacker designation, bestowed and governed by the International Council of E-Commerce Consultants. The ethical hackers of the world put their genius to...

/ May 11, 2018
Spam email
Tech Time Warp: Spam email celebrates its 40th birthday

Tech Time Warp: Spam email celebrates its 40th birthday

As you work long hours to ensure your company complies with GDPR by May 25, it’s worth noting that proper use—or misuse—of data has been an issue for at least 40 years. Just ask Gary Thuerk, the self-described “father of...

/ May 4, 2018
Artificial intelligence cyber warfare
Weaponizing artificial intelligence

Weaponizing artificial intelligence

Fending off ransomware and other malware attacks has already become part of the daily MSP landscape. But in the ever-evolving world of threats, a new one will begin to emerge with greater frequency in the months and years ahead: weaponized...

/ May 3, 2018
Sasser worm
Tech Time Warp: The Sasser worm teaches a lesson

Tech Time Warp: The Sasser worm teaches a lesson

In early May 2004, computer users worldwide learned a hard lesson: Don’t procrastinate when it comes to installing a security patch. Users at the Taiwanese post office, the train station in Sydney, and some of Wall Street’s biggest banks found...

/ April 27, 2018
Thought leadership
Carrie Simpson: Thought leadership prospecting the right way

Carrie Simpson: Thought leadership prospecting the right way

Thought leadership prospecting combines personalized interactions with automated marketing touches. It uses carefully curated content and intelligent one-on-one discussions to begin and nurture relationships with qualified prospects. The good news is that you can start thought leadership prospecting using the...

/ April 18, 2018 / 3 Comments