Tag: Managed services

How to stay sane in managed services
As a managed services provider (MSP), you are tasked with keeping track of multiple clients, projects, and technologies, all with multiple managers working with multiple internal and external resources. What’s the key to achieving this? You need to STAY ORGANIZED!

Reflecting on MSP Day 2019
Now that it’s been awhile since MSP Day 2019, we’re allowing ourselves a sigh of relief, a pat on the back, and the chance to reflect on a successful second outing — and what an outing it was! Riding the...

Managed services could be the answer to backup woes
After years of reluctant uptake and cautious optimism, modern businesses have finally placed the proper level of importance on digital transformation efforts and the cloud. As a result, many of these modern businesses are soaring in productivity and profit.

Percentage of channel partners offering managed services achieves critical mass
It’s been a very long time coming, but it looks like there may finally be more channel partners offering managed services than traditional break-fix services. A survey of subscribers published this week by ChannelPro finds the number of partners offering...

How to Package Your Managed Services Offering
Our friend Gary Pica once said that building a successful managed service offering, is like baking the perfect chocolate cake. You don’t go into a bakery looking for ingredients, you go into a bakery looking for the final finished product...

AWS unfurls global managed networking service
Amazon Web Services (AWS) made it abundantly clear this week that the cloud service provider intends to aggressively compete as a provider of managed networking services. This follows the launch of AWS Global Accelerator, a managed service based on the...

Extended lifecycle of IT equipment starts to force the managed services issue
Most solution providers have added managed services to their portfolio to one degree or another. But, arguably far too many of them are still dependent on reselling products as their primary source of revenue. A new survey of 1,372 IT...

CompTIA CEO advises channel partners to mind the widening managed services gap
CompTIA CEO Todd Thibodeaux is warning solution providers that have not yet made the transition to business models based on managed services will soon discover the gap they will need to cross to make that transition is only going to...