Tag: MSP Pricing

How MSPs can prosper with pricing, incentives, and deals
Customers like known costs when it comes to MSP contracts. They tend to dislike the use of variables such as resource or time charges, preferring either per user or per organization charging instead. While this can work for the MSP...

Keep your prices off your MSP website
Editors note: This is part one of a two-part series on using your website to tell a story of value over price. Part two, “What your MSP website should focus on instead” will be published next week. Stay tuned. Recently,...

Your MSP isn’t all about price
As someone who spends a lot of time talking and writing about how managed services providers (MSPs) need to make their messaging all about the raw value they’re able to offer their prospects, I hear a lot of people say...

The new normal – being more flexible as an MSP
How do you deal with customers who need variable resources? The ones who, for part of the day, or on a cyclic basis of once per week, month, or quarter, show a spike in usage of CPU, network, or storage...

The three things MSP buyers are looking for that are not “low price”
At Boot Camp, I shared the research I’d compiled on what clients want from their IT provider. This research was based on examining the responses to a testimonial request e-mail we have our MSP clients send to their best clients....

MSPs need to find a way to embrace consumption model based on metering
The most profound impact the transition to cloud computing has arguably had is the shift away from treating IT as a capital expense. IT organizations are increasingly utilizing infrastructure thanks to a consumption model that allows them to treat IT...

Clive Longbottom: When selling MSP services is like selling a house
I’ll start with a bold statement: being an MSP salesperson is like being a real estate agent. Hold on – don’t stop reading: there is a reason for such a statement. Any real estate agent will tell you what a...

Gary Pica: What Henry Ford can teach you about service levels
Henry Ford once said, “Any customer can have a car painted any color that he wants so long as it is black.” Keep this in mind when packaging your IT solutions. By not giving potential clients options, you’re reinforcing your...

Gary Pica: 3 best practice strategies for MSP pricing models
Determining your managed service provider pricing can feel like “damned if you do, damned if you don’t.” Charge too much, and you’re unable to stay competitive. Charge too little, and you undercut your business, leaving you without the revenue you...

Robin Robins: Let’s Talk About Price $$$$$
I’m about to make somebody (you?) a lot of money because I’m about to give you an idea for raising your fees that will allow you to prove to yourself you’re leaving a LOT of money on the table. First,...