Category: Better Business

email marketing
Ask an MSP Expert: How to use email in my MSP marketing efforts

Ask an MSP Expert: How to use email in my MSP marketing efforts

Q: I’m trying to expand my sales and marketing strategy for my managed services business, and I’m not sure what to do next. I want to try email marketing as a way to reach my prospect list and get them...

/ April 27, 2015
cyber security mistakes
Common cyber security mistakes your SMB customers are making

Common cyber security mistakes your SMB customers are making

Bad habits are hard to break, and that’s especially true when it comes to small businesses and cyber security. After all, it’s easy for SMBs to think “that will never happen to me,” and let things slide that end up...

/ April 22, 2015
best practices
Ask an MSP Expert: How to support mixed environments

Ask an MSP Expert: How to support mixed environments

Q: I’m about to sign on a new client, and they have both PC and Mac devices operating on their network. I want to win the business, but I’m not sure how to manage both operating systems at the same...

/ April 20, 2015
cold calling tips
Cold calling tips for MSPs: What to do when you can’t get through

Cold calling tips for MSPs: What to do when you can’t get through

If everyone picked up their own phone every time it rang, cold calling would be the easiest job in the world. If you’re cold calling regularly, you’ve likely been shut down by a few of these choice statements: ele“We’re not...

/ April 15, 2015
Ask an MSP Expert: How to automate backups

Ask an MSP Expert: How to automate backups

Q: I’ve noticed that my technicians spend way too much time managing backup sets for our customers. Their days are spent monitoring for when backups are completed, resolving any potential issues, and notifying the customer afterward. Over and over again....

/ April 13, 2015
How to use SEO to improve your MSP website

How to use SEO to improve your MSP website

What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you think about establishing a search engine optimization (SEO) strategy to increase traffic to your MSP website? Is it keywords? Link building? Google’s search ranking methods? I’m guessing the answer is...

/ April 8, 2015
Ask an MSP Expert: How should I tell my customer that a backup failed

Ask an MSP Expert: How should I tell my customer that a backup failed

Q: As an MSP, I always provide great service to my small business customers. But, what should I do if a backup fails? I want to avoid a potentially awkward conversation with the customer, but I also want to be...

/ April 6, 2015
How do I write a business plan

How do I write a business plan

Whether you’re a new MSP or an established service provider, you should take the time to create a business plan. It’s critical to ensuring the success and survival of your company. Having a few general goals in mind isn’t enough....

/ April 1, 2015
MSP productivity
Ask an MSP Expert: How can I make my business more productive

Ask an MSP Expert: How can I make my business more productive

Ask an MSP Expert is a weekly advice column answering common questions from MSPs and IT service providers. It covers topics ranging from pricing and selling to marketing and communications—and everything in between.  Q: One of my goals for 2015...

/ March 23, 2015