Category: Featured

How to become the hero in an unlikely situation
Last week, you read about A gift for the MSP heroes of the COVID-19 pandemic. Now, you’ll have the opportunity to explore this topic in depth with the expert, Derek Marin, the founder of Simple Selling. We teamed up to...

Machine learning, deep learning, and artificial intelligence
MSP platforms by nature, are ‘chatty.’ Data is being created, not only by the customers using the platform, but by the platform itself. Every device creates data, and it is generally held in some form of syslog data log. Some...

Ask an MSP Expert: What is conversation hijacking and how can I protect against it?
Q: Lately we have heard a lot about emerging conversation hijacking threats. What does conversation hijacking entail and how can my MSP business prevent it from negatively affecting our customers? Hackers and other bad actors are always inventing new methods...

Tech Time Warp: A look back at the first VPN
As more white collar employees are instructed to work from home to contain the spread of COVID-19, there has been an abrupt uptick in VPN usage. It’s estimated VPN use has increased almost 66 percent since March 11, 2020, in...

Handling your MSP marketing efforts during COVID-19
As I’m sure you can imagine, over the last few weeks we’ve had a lot of customers reaching out to us in our MSP Marketing Agency to ask some variation of the same basic question: “… what do we do...