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Windows 10 migration crisis looms ahead
IT organizations, as well as the managed service providers (MSPs) that support them, are now in a race against time, as Microsoft prepares to end free support for Windows 7. Microsoft expects to stop delivering security updates for Windows 7...

Ask an MSP Expert: Should my MSP pursue industrial clients?
Q: We serve primarily healthcare and finance companies, but our region has a robust manufacturing base. Are there many opportunities for MSPs in manufacturing? If so, are there any insights you can provide about taking clients in this vertical? If you...

MSPs need to take note of AIOps momentum
Like a lot of emerging technologies, the rise of AIOps is one of those IT trends that is about to sharply cut both ways for managed service providers (MSPs). While there’s some dispute as to where the line between automation...

Growth Hacking for MSPs: Marketing Automation
There is a glaring lack of creativity and innovation in the way MSPs market their business. This statement is not to offend those who put out a conscious effort, but more to inspire those who do not. With all the great...

Ask an MSP Expert: Do I need to offer an additional backup service with Office 365?
Q: More of my customers are moving towards Office 365, and they believe everything is being backed up. Is this true, or should my MSP create additional backups of Office 365 data? In terms of email and data services, Office...

Managed services could be the answer to backup woes
After years of reluctant uptake and cautious optimism, modern businesses have finally placed the proper level of importance on digital transformation efforts and the cloud. As a result, many of these modern businesses are soaring in productivity and profit.

Social media management platforms MSPs should consider
Social media can serve as a cost-efficient and highly valuable marketing tool. For MSPs to drive leads and other opportunities, their social media channels must have strong visibility and encourage engagement. However, with many businesses having accounts on multiple social...

Helping SMBs overcome their technology growth fears
When I started in IT support, most office networks consisted of a server room, some desktop computers, and maybe a few printers and scanners. This meant the default 192.168.1.X range was enough for more than a hundred staff. That’s far...

Navigating the great IT sales paradox
One of the most frustrating things IT services providers need to contend with these days is that while the sales funnel has collapsed, it’s actually taking longer than ever to close a deal.

The rise of malspam
If you are like me, you are probably finding it hard to believe that the first quarter of 2019 is almost over. It seems like a good time to stop and take a breath and look at what some of this...