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Tech Time Warp: AOHell was a long way from “You’ve got mail”
The speed of fiber Internet makes it easy to view the days of America Online with rose-colored glasses. Recalling the dulcet tones of the “You’ve got mail,” one tends to overlook the nefarious activities that occurred on AOL. It turns...

CompTIA: SMBs’ IT spending trends cut both ways for MSPs
Not too long ago, it would have been safe for managed service providers to assume most small-to-medium business (SMBs) would be considered laggards in adopting new and emerging technologies. But a survey of 650 SMBs conducted by CompTIA, an IT...

IoT starts to emerge as major opportunity for MSPs
The reality surrounding the Internet of Things (IoT) may finally be starting to live up to the hype. A global survey of 1,758 businesses conducted by Vodafone finds that more than a third (34 percent) have implemented IoT, with 70...

Understanding the business value of augmented reality
When many folks think of augmented reality, they think of Pokemon Go, the game that captured the world’s attention when it came out in 2016. Augmented reality can be more than fun and games. It’s something that could help your...

MSPs need to deliver better employee training due to the rise of spear phishing
For businesses and the MSPs that serve them, achieving effective IT security requires a strategy with several layers of defense. To thwart potential breaches, most organizations understand that – at a minimum – endpoint access should be tightly controlled, data...

Ask an MSP Expert: Is 24/7 monitoring necessary for MSPs?
Q: I’m the President of a small MSP in Wisconsin and I’m proud of our customer-service and problem-solving skills. However, my last tech goes home for the night at 11 p.m. and if a customer’s servers crash after that point,...

Https means you are safe, right?
When it comes to website security, many believe that when you enter your private info, the only way to be reasonably assured that it really is the actual website — and not a spoof — is to look for https....

How the rise of big data and AI will impact MSPs
IT organizations are starting to signal their intent to consolidate all the analytics applications they need to support around a common pool of “big data” whenever possible. A recent report from Dresner Advisory Services finds 60 percent of respondents would...

Gartner forecasts dramatic shift in IT spending through the end of the decade
After seeing a 5.6 percent growth in IT services spending in the last year, Gartner forecasted that the spending on IT services will grow a more modest 4.7 and 4.8 percent in 2019 and 2020, respectively.

3 leadership books every MSP should read
An integral aspect of any business is looking for new ways and ideas on how to improve your business practices from within. If your MSP can accomplish this, every area of the business will benefit — from customer satisfaction to...