Results for: Ask an MSP Expert

Lessons from a prospect

Lessons from a prospect

Working in the MSP space, we’re well-acquainted with strange technical issues. Whenever we’re dealing with users, we’ll occasionally receive baffling complaints or inquiries. During one of our recent sales team meetings, John Pojeta, our VP of Business Development, told an...

/ May 20, 2019
Windows 10 migration crisis looms ahead

Windows 10 migration crisis looms ahead

IT organizations, as well as the managed service providers (MSPs) that support them, are now in a race against time, as Microsoft prepares to end free support for Windows 7. Microsoft expects to stop delivering security updates for Windows 7...

/ May 14, 2019 / 1 Comment
Tech Time Warp: Flame, the virus with a massive controlled burn

Tech Time Warp: Flame, the virus with a massive controlled burn

The Flame virus first achieved infamy in May 2012, shortly after the United Nations’ International Telecommunications Union asked a security company to look in to the hacking of Iranian computers. Although not widespread — only a few hundred computers are...

/ May 10, 2019
When is it the right time to hire a lead generator?

When is it the right time to hire a lead generator?

As an MSP marketer who speaks to business owners on a regular basis, I tend to get a lot of prospects who contact me at different points along the larger journey that they’re taking. Some are just getting started, while...

/ May 8, 2019
Intel ushers in data centric era of computing

Intel ushers in data centric era of computing

This week, Intel launched a raft of new processor technologies. Due to this, the amount of data that will be coursing through IT environments at any given time is about to exponentially increase.

/ April 4, 2019
Managed services could be the answer to backup woes

Managed services could be the answer to backup woes

After years of reluctant uptake and cautious optimism, modern businesses have finally placed the proper level of importance on digital transformation efforts and the cloud. As a result, many of these modern businesses are soaring in productivity and profit.

/ March 29, 2019 / 1 Comment
Your local restaurant might be an IoT hotspot

Your local restaurant might be an IoT hotspot

What telecommuter hasn’t used McDonalds or Starbucks as an office away from the office? I know I’ve spent plenty of hours under those famous golden arches while on the road. The unsecured guest Wi-Fi flows as smoothly as the coffee,...

/ March 20, 2019
Patching won’t solve all your security problems

Patching won’t solve all your security problems

I feel like I’m constantly receiving emails warning me about a program’s security vulnerability, saying how I need to download a patch. With all these alerts, I often grow exasperated about the number of security patches that I’m supposed to apply...

/ March 7, 2019
A holistic approach to cybersecurity is needed

A holistic approach to cybersecurity is needed

I recently wrote a security column about sandboxing and, to my tech eye, the technology seems to solve many issues. Sandboxing teases out a potential malware threat before it even becomes a problem. Plus, it’s scalable. There is off-the-shelf sandbox...

/ February 27, 2019
How Neal Bradbury is driving future growth and innovation

How Neal Bradbury is driving future growth and innovation

CRN®, a brand of The Channel Company, has named Neal Bradbury, senior director of business development for Barracuda MSP, to its prestigious list of Channel Chiefs, which represents the top leaders in the IT channel who excel at driving growth...

/ February 26, 2019