Results for: ask an expert

Ask an MSP Expert: MSPs prepare for return to normal

Ask an MSP Expert: MSPs prepare for return to normal

Q: Many of my clients are beginning to let their employees and end-users return to their establishments, as local government restrictions are slowly removed. As the ‘return to normal’ slowly progresses, how can my MSP business best prepare for this...

/ July 6, 2020
Ask an MSP Expert: How can my MSP promote diversity?

Ask an MSP Expert: How can my MSP promote diversity?

Q: I am an MSP owner with a growing corps of technicians and support staff, but there is a definite lack of diversity. I want my employees to reflect the communities we serve. How can MSPs make their talent pools...

/ June 29, 2020
Ask an MSP Expert: How can we streamline our patch management process?

Ask an MSP Expert: How can we streamline our patch management process?

Q: With the increase of cyber attacks and the growing remote workers, what are some best patch management practices to better protect my customers? Patch management serves as a key defense against cyber threats and is also required to ensure...

/ June 8, 2020 / 4 Comments
Ask an MSP Expert: How can an RMM automate security offerings?

Ask an MSP Expert: How can an RMM automate security offerings?

Q: I have heard that adding an RMM tool can improve delivery of our managed security services offering for customers, specifically through automation. How can an RMM tool do this? If the new situation that MSPs and their clients find...

/ June 1, 2020 / 4 Comments
Ask an MSP Expert: Buying property to run an MSP business on

Ask an MSP Expert: Buying property to run an MSP business on

Q: My MSP business is run out of a rented space in an office complex. My landlord keeps raising the rent, and I’m wondering if buying my own space might make more sense? You are asking a question that is...

/ May 25, 2020
Ask an MSP Expert: How email continuity can save an SMB customer

Ask an MSP Expert: How email continuity can save an SMB customer

Q: I understand the purpose of email continuity, but what makes it so valuable that my MSP should offer it to our customers? Which types of SMB customers will need email continuity the most? Email continuity is a very valuable...

/ May 11, 2020
Ask an MSP Expert: How do we protect our healthcare clients’ data?

Ask an MSP Expert: How do we protect our healthcare clients’ data?

Q: We have a growing number of healthcare clients. Maintaining their security used to be not that much different from our other customers, but with the explosion of IoT, there are so many more threats that they are susceptible to....

/ May 4, 2020 / 2 Comments
Ask an MSP Expert: Caring about CARES

Ask an MSP Expert: Caring about CARES

Q: My MSP has several clients who are unable to pay because they now have customers who aren’t paying them. I’ve thought about applying for a loan through the CARES Act. Do you think this a good idea? Before we...

/ April 27, 2020
Ask an MSP Expert: How can I convince clients to add VPNs for a remote workforce?

Ask an MSP Expert: How can I convince clients to add VPNs for a remote workforce?

Q: We are now supporting more clients with remote workers than we ever have before. We see using VPNs as a very useful tool for helping to securing their workforces, but some clients are reluctant to use them. What can...

/ April 20, 2020 / 6 Comments
Ask an MSP Expert: What is conversation hijacking and how can I protect against it?

Ask an MSP Expert: What is conversation hijacking and how can I protect against it?

Q: Lately we have heard a lot about emerging conversation hijacking threats. What does conversation hijacking entail and how can my MSP business prevent it from negatively affecting our customers? Hackers and other bad actors are always inventing new methods...

/ March 30, 2020 / 12 Comments