Category: Featured

MSPs, MDM and the post-pandemic normal

MSPs, MDM and the post-pandemic normal

As COVID-19 vaccines roll out, visions of busy cubicles begin to seem less distant. But the return to full office buildings will only happen gradually and probably not noticeably until the third quarter. Even then, as companies realize savings and...

/ January 21, 2021
Good security is about controlling what you can control

Good security is about controlling what you can control

Last year was a terrible year in so many respects, so it’s not overly surprising that there were a number of historic hacks. Some of these were so vast and so all-encompassing, it could make you feel like you can’t...

/ January 19, 2021
Tech Time Warp: Wikipedia launches as a side project to Nupedia

Tech Time Warp: Wikipedia launches as a side project to Nupedia

Still not a solid entry in a bibliography, Wikipedia is a highly useful place to find answers to your pressing questions—and it’s definitely a mainstay of contemporary life. The website at the top of your search results was launched January...

/ January 15, 2021
The difference between analytics and business intelligence

The difference between analytics and business intelligence

Many MSPs may not realize this, but with “actionable insights” they can strike GOLD! It’s only a matter of presenting the right data, at the right time, to the right people with the right device. Having insights that are actionable means that you...

/ January 12, 2021
How do I track technicians’ work without creating mistrust?

How do I track technicians’ work without creating mistrust?

Q: My technicians monitor massive amounts of sensitive data and have access to multiple high-security clearance networks. How can I track them without creating an atmosphere of mistrust? MSP technicians are the guardians of the galaxy when it comes to...

/ January 11, 2021
Pioneers in Tech: The ENIAC Six

Pioneers in Tech: The ENIAC Six

On Feb. 14, 1946, John Mauchly and J. Presper Eckert unveiled one of the U.S. Army’s best-kept secrets of World War II: the ENIAC. The Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer was built behind closed doors in a restricted area at...

/ January 8, 2021 / 1 Comment
How can AI help MSPs hone their digital marketing strategy?

How can AI help MSPs hone their digital marketing strategy?

Current global climates are posing new challenges to MSP providers, with a recent IEEE survey indicating that CIOs and CTOs will be called upon to deal with a plethora of new circumstances in 2021. Some of the biggest challenges include...

/ December 29, 2020
Business planning is more important today than ever

Business planning is more important today than ever

I’ve always been passionate about motivating business leaders to prioritize business planning, but this year, I’m a bit more vocal about the topic than usual (if you can believe it). So many things in our landscape are changing at once:...

/ December 28, 2020
Tech Time Warp: Father Christmas worm visits NASA

Tech Time Warp: Father Christmas worm visits NASA

Even hackers get into the holiday spirit. The Santy worm brought unwelcome gifts in December 2004, and the CHRISTMA EXEC brought a charming ASCII tree to screens in 1987. On December 22, 1988, the Father Christmas worm traveled to NASA...

/ December 25, 2020
MSPs looking ahead to a better 2021

MSPs looking ahead to a better 2021

It’s been a tough year for businesses, and MSPs have helped them through it. With vaccines in production and being distributed to front-line workers, perhaps it’s time to look forward to a post-pandemic life in 2021. First, let’s have a...

/ December 24, 2020