Category: Sales & Marketing

Shiny penny marketing
Robin Robins: The Shiny-New-Penny Syndrome

Robin Robins: The Shiny-New-Penny Syndrome

One of the 1,100+ Boot Camp attendees wrote a rather extensive note, providing feedback that the sessions were worthless and nothing of value could be gained or learned. She mentioned the “lack of new campaigns” as one of her main...

/ April 30, 2018
Thought leadership
Carrie Simpson: Thought leadership prospecting the right way

Carrie Simpson: Thought leadership prospecting the right way

Thought leadership prospecting combines personalized interactions with automated marketing touches. It uses carefully curated content and intelligent one-on-one discussions to begin and nurture relationships with qualified prospects. The good news is that you can start thought leadership prospecting using the...

/ April 18, 2018 / 3 Comments
marketing KPIs
Angela Leavitt: 7 key marketing KPIs for MSPs

Angela Leavitt: 7 key marketing KPIs for MSPs

The beginning of any new year is an exciting time for MSPs, especially when it comes to your sales and marketing efforts. You have a blank slate and, hopefully, another full year of data from which to learn and move...

/ April 18, 2018
sales coach
Brad Stoller: When to drink the Kool-Aid and trust a sales coach

Brad Stoller: When to drink the Kool-Aid and trust a sales coach

The entrepreneurial spirit that drives many business owners imbues them with key advantages. Entrepreneurs are resilient. They are creative. They are willing to separate from the herd and take the path less traveled. This nonconformist mentality is an advantage in...

/ April 4, 2018
Robin Robins: You’re NOT fooling anyone with your weak USP

Robin Robins: You’re NOT fooling anyone with your weak USP

At Technology Marketing Toolkit’s Rapid Implementation Workshop, we cover the USP, or unique selling proposition, in detail: what it is, what it is not, how to develop it, and how to use it in your sales and marketing to unseat...

/ March 28, 2018
land grab sales
Carrie Simpson: Land grab sales – It’s happening now!

Carrie Simpson: Land grab sales – It’s happening now!

There are two types of prospecting campaigns. The first type of campaign is called a “displacement campaign.” It’s the type of campaign you plan and execute when most of your prospects are already using a competitor. The second type of prospecting...

/ March 26, 2018
marketing strategy mistakes
Nate Freedman: Is your MSP wasting money on the wrong type of marketing?

Nate Freedman: Is your MSP wasting money on the wrong type of marketing?

As a marketing professional with more than a decade of entrepreneurial experience, I tend to spend a lot of time talking to managed services providers about the ways that they can use digital marketing to continue to grow and evolve...

/ March 14, 2018 / 1 Comment
client fit
Brad Stoller: The power of client fit

Brad Stoller: The power of client fit

As a business, we have always intuitively pursued a good client fit. That desire goes beyond simply avoiding problem clients—though that is a benefit as well. We also want to find the most productive relationships possible. When we find clients...

/ March 7, 2018
close more sales
Robin Robins: Close more sales, unseat more competitors by becoming the LEAST RISKY choice

Robin Robins: Close more sales, unseat more competitors by becoming the LEAST RISKY choice

At Technology Marketing Toolkit, one of the most difficult things for our members to get their head around is the USP, or unique selling proposition. Without one, you’re pushing a rope uphill, fighting price sensitivity and the high hurdle of...

/ February 26, 2018
lead scoring
Sales Prospecting: Lead Scoring for MSPs

Sales Prospecting: Lead Scoring for MSPs

Many MSP business owners are still the primary business developers, deal closers, and technical support leads for their growing companies. As the MSP grows, the owner gets pulled in a dozen different directions. I like to describe this as having...

/ February 21, 2018 / 1 Comment