Category: Sales & Marketing

sales prospecting
5 Sales tips for brand-new MSPs

5 Sales tips for brand-new MSPs

Every day I get calls from brand-new MSPs asking how much our services cost. I send them away with some advice and this painful truth: You can’t job out your sales prospecting until you’ve become successful at sales prospecting! It’s...

/ August 31, 2016
msp marketing
Stuart Crawford: What I’ve learned from 25 years in Managed IT

Stuart Crawford: What I’ve learned from 25 years in Managed IT

I can’t believe I’ve been in the managed IT business for 25 years this year. From my early years starting out as a Banyan Vines system administrator to getting through Novell and Microsoft’s certification programs and launching my own MSP...

/ August 9, 2016
4 Tips from an MSP marketing pro

4 Tips from an MSP marketing pro

As an MSP, it’s challenging enough just to manage SMBs’ systems and keep up with the day-to-day customer demands, never mind trying to build a sales and marketing program for your business. But, with good marketing comes growth, both for...

/ August 4, 2016
marketing metrics
19 Essential marketing metrics for MSPs

19 Essential marketing metrics for MSPs

If you’re like most MSPs, you may find marketing … well … aggravating. There are so many strategies, tactics, and platforms to manage, so it can be difficult to know what is working — or IF your marketing is working...

/ July 27, 2016
3 Things to consider before hiring a telemarketer for your MSP

3 Things to consider before hiring a telemarketer for your MSP

Many managed service companies choose to hire in-house instead of outsourcing their sales appointment setting. There are pros and cons, and I’m going to share with you some things you should consider before you make your choice.

/ July 26, 2016
morning coffee
The 5 can’t-skip stages of an effective email marketing cycle

The 5 can’t-skip stages of an effective email marketing cycle

If there’s one thing I’ve learned in my 25 years in the managed IT services business, it’s that I must continue to learn something new to benefit our clients each and every day. I start working toward that goal bright...

/ July 6, 2016
cold calling tricks
How to get through to those prospects you’re ready to give up on

How to get through to those prospects you’re ready to give up on

One time I lost my car keys when we were camping. I spent two hours looking for those keys, tracing my steps, looking in the grass, looking in the bathroom, looking at the playground. Then I gave up and called...

/ June 16, 2016
referral network
How to build an active referral network

How to build an active referral network

Most companies have three different types of clients. First, you have The Evangelists. These clients are likely already bringing passive referrals to you. Passive referrals are fantastic. As the name indicates, a passive referral is something you don’t have to...

/ May 18, 2016
all roads lead to managed services
All roads lead to managed services

All roads lead to managed services

In the marketing game, all managed IT service companies are trying to acquire more leads for managed services. However, many continue to be highly disappointed when their direct mail, Google AdWords, and other campaigns fall short of accomplishing this. Why...

/ May 18, 2016
Ask an MSP Expert: How to use compliance as an MSP sales tool

Ask an MSP Expert: How to use compliance as an MSP sales tool

Q: I’m an MSP business owner, and we service a variety of small business customers in our area, providing IT services to schools, healthcare providers, and other local small businesses like law firms. My salesperson is struggling to bring in...

/ May 16, 2016