Tag: MSP

Cybersecurity summits and tools to improve training

Cybersecurity summits and tools to improve training

Anytime an MSP can expose its engineers and technicians to free training and education, it’s an opportunity that shouldn’t be passed up. One such opportunity is the upcoming “5th Annual Cybersecurity Summit” hosted by CISA and Morehouse College in Atlanta....

/ September 21, 2022 / 6 Comments
Special offers can turn prospects into customers

Special offers can turn prospects into customers

As an MSP, customer loyalty can be a challenge – but first, there is the need to turn a prospect into a customer. These two areas can be inextricably linked: if an MSP operates as a completely open entity where...

/ August 31, 2022
Cutting through the complexity of MSP profitability

Cutting through the complexity of MSP profitability

Do you know if any of your customers are losing you money? It is often reported that any organisation’s profits follow the Pareto principle: 80 percent the profits come from the top 20 percent of the customers.  Although this is...

/ August 10, 2022 / 6 Comments
Why MSPs are attractive cyberattack targets

Why MSPs are attractive cyberattack targets

Once again, government watchdogs have issued an alert to managed service providers (MSPs), encouraging them to implement new security guidance in response to increasing levels of cyberattacks. MSPs are a prime target for cybercriminals – they have direct access to...

/ August 2, 2022
AWS adds raft of security competencies for MSP partners

AWS adds raft of security competencies for MSP partners

Amazon Web Services (AWS) has raised the cloud security bar for managed service providers (MSPs). At the AWS re:Inforce conference, the leading provider of cloud services added six AWS Level 1 MSSP Competency Specialization Categories spanning identity behavior monitoring; data...

/ August 1, 2022
Ask an MSP Expert: Best practices for cybersecurity hygiene

Ask an MSP Expert: Best practices for cybersecurity hygiene

Many managed service providers (MSPs) already know that cybersecurity is essential in today’s digitally transformed business environment. However, cybersecurity may have a different meaning depending on who you are speaking with inside your customer’s organization. To get the best advice...

/ July 27, 2022 / 5 Comments
Tech time warp: ode to the Super Nintendo Entertainment System

Tech time warp: ode to the Super Nintendo Entertainment System

News that a gamer has made freely and publicly available a comprehensive collection of Super Nintendo game manuals has opened the door to a wave of ’90s gamer nostalgia. The hundreds of manuals collected by Kerry Hays—known as “Peebs” on...

/ July 22, 2022
The journey toward offering managed security services 

The journey toward offering managed security services 

Many forward-thinking MSPs are realizing the importance of offering a cybersecurity service that has its’ people, processes, and technology all working 24×7, making certain that every one of their customers is not only in a constant state of protective security...

/ July 21, 2022
Zero-trust IT transition requires MSP prudence

Zero-trust IT transition requires MSP prudence

Gartner is predicting that while 60 percent of organizations will embrace zero-trust as a starting point for security by 2025, more than half will fail to realize the benefits. In that same timeframe, however, 80 percent of enterprises will as...

/ July 20, 2022
MSPs will be increasingly caught up in remote work debate

MSPs will be increasingly caught up in remote work debate

While the debate over the merits of enabling a much larger percentage of the workforce to work remotely intensifies as the COVID-19 pandemic becomes an aspect of daily life, it appears most organizations are now resigned to the fact that...

/ July 19, 2022 / 6 Comments