Category: Sales & Marketing

MSP sales leads
Robin Robins: The simplest way to close 2 to 3 times as many leads as you are now

Robin Robins: The simplest way to close 2 to 3 times as many leads as you are now

One of the biggest LOSSES in business is the grossly inadequate follow-up on opportunities and prospects. Based on a number of sales research reports, it’s estimated that 80 percent to 90 percent of all sales leads never get followed up...

/ December 13, 2017
ugly marketing
Robin Robins: Embrace the power of UGLY marketing

Robin Robins: Embrace the power of UGLY marketing

She May Be Ugly But She Sure Can Cook: That’s a line from a country-and-western song, and it applies to a lot of the “ugly” marketing I produce. Over and over again, in direct response marketing circles where REAL metrics are...

/ November 15, 2017
building an msp
Stuart Crawford: How to build a multi-million dollar MSP in 3 years or less

Stuart Crawford: How to build a multi-million dollar MSP in 3 years or less

The other day, I was having a conversation with a trusted colleague of mine. We were talking about what makes some managed service providers SUPER successful, while others seem to wither away like a sad autumn leaf. After plenty of...

/ October 31, 2017
MSP fears
Robin Robins: Let’s talk about what should REALLY scare you as an MSP

Robin Robins: Let’s talk about what should REALLY scare you as an MSP

Fears are odd things. I met a guy once who makes a living wiggling into tiny, dark crawl spaces under houses where mold, feces, poisonous spiders, snakes, rats, and other unsavory things abound, and he was impressed by my fearlessness...

/ October 25, 2017
Twitter marketing
Stuart Crawford: The biggest mistake MSPs make on Twitter

Stuart Crawford: The biggest mistake MSPs make on Twitter

For the record, I wasn’t a fan of Twitter. I thought it was just a bunch of noise. I actually compared it to having a conversation at a nightclub while a death-metal band played with their amps turned up to...

/ October 18, 2017
hiring a telemarketer
Carrie Simpson: What to look for when hiring a telemarketer for your MSP

Carrie Simpson: What to look for when hiring a telemarketer for your MSP

When hiring a telemarketer for your MSP, you have to choose between recruiting two different types of candidates. You can hire an experienced caller or someone who’s brand new to calling. At first glance, hiring an experienced caller appears to have...

/ October 10, 2017
MSP marketing opportunity
Robin Robins: MSP Marketing 101 – When Opportunity Comes Your Way, GRAB IT

Robin Robins: MSP Marketing 101 – When Opportunity Comes Your Way, GRAB IT

By the time you read this, Hurricane Harvey will be old news (I’m writing this just AS it’s starting to pop up on the news radar). As one client pointed out on the Technology Marketing Toolkit member portal, how many...

/ September 27, 2017 / 1 Comment
managed services demand
Managed services demand driven by need to augment, not replace internal IT

Managed services demand driven by need to augment, not replace internal IT

Now that more application workloads than ever are running in either a public cloud or a third-party data center, it appears IT organizations are starting to appreciate the value of managed services. A new Voice of the Enterprise survey of...

/ September 26, 2017
marketing media
Robin Robins: Fortune-making truths about media, money, and marketing process

Robin Robins: Fortune-making truths about media, money, and marketing process

Here’s a truth many small business owners DON’T want to embrace, much less give recognition to: The more marketing media you can use simultaneously, the more money you’ll make. You’ll also be a LOT less FRAGILE and vulnerable to an...

/ August 23, 2017
sales prospecting events
Carrie Simpson: Using events to create better prospecting results

Carrie Simpson: Using events to create better prospecting results

Telephone prospecting is an effective way to generate new sales leads. For an average prospector, one out of every 200 calls results in an appointment, and for most average companies, one out of every three appointments leads to a new...

/ August 9, 2017